Exibition "Affinità e Contrasti"
05/12/2011 10:03
Partecipation to the third edition of "Affinità e Contrasti" organized by StudioArTe Carapostol will be the first event to open the Venetian art season . The exhibition will be held in Venice 6 to 13 January 2012 in Scoletta of St. John the Baptist, a four floors exhibition space located in the suggestive building adjacent to the homonimous church of the ninth century, in the center just few minutes from Piazza San Marco.
![](https://a66104c309.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/94fba64393a80e900e30414d5480bbf0/200000259-4ece34ee84/Invito Affinità e Contrasti gennaio 2012.jpg)
The event is aimed at promoting contemporary art, the selection is open to artists of all nationalities.